Le Chéile is a new broad-based cross-sectoral alliance working together to promote diversity in Irish society and challenge the nascent and dangerous far-right.

Member Organisations
United Against Racism (Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland)
UNITE the union Des Bonass 103 Branch
CATU D12 branch
Skellig Star Direct Provision Campaign

How you can help
Recording a short video, welcoming the establishment of Le Chéile and including your own pro-diversity message
Affiliating your business/organisation to Le Chéile (on the basis of the ten principles), and writing a few words of support for us to share
Taking a photograph of yourself holding a sign (written or printed) with the hashtags #LeChéile & #DiversityNotDivision, for us to share on social media - or any other kind of creative content of your choice.
Templates for your signs
You can either indulge your creative side or you can use our templates as your sign.How to download the images:
Just right click the pictures
Save the image
Now print it!
You can also left click the images
Tap the print sign at the top right hand side of the page!
If you make a better template please get in touch and we'll upload yours so everyone can have a go!

People who support us
Eileen Flynn (Ind Senator)
Vincent Browne (Journalist)
Damien Dempsey (Singer)
Christy Moore (Singer)
Ailbhe Smyth (Feminist / LGBTI activist)
Dr Panti Bliss Cabrera
Thomas Pringle TD
Dave Lordan (Poet and Activist)
Karl Parkinson (Poet)
Raymond Deane (Composer, Activist)
Noelle Brown (Actor, Writer, Director)
Fr. Peter McVerry (Housing Activist, Peter McVerry Trust)
Gisèle Scanlon (President Trinity College GSU)
Rohana Perera (Black Lives Matter Activist)
Gary Daly (Solicitor & Human Rights Activist)
Eamon McCann (Derry City Councillor and Journalist)
Mark O’Halloran (Actor, Writer, Film Maker)
Wumi Obi (Black Lives Matter activist)
Buzz O’Neill (Entertainment Industry)
John Douglas (Ex President MANDATE & ICTU)
Mary Murphy (Maynooth University)
Derek Flynn (Musician)
Tadgh Williams (Musician)
Sarah Clancy (Poet, Author)
Cllr. Emmet McAleer, Independent,Mid-Tyrone, Fermanagh & Omagh
Taryn De Vere
Izzy Kamikazee
Lorna Bogue
Liam Sinclair
Lenny Abrahamson
T J Hogan

Our Founding Principles
Le Chéile
a campaign for a United Front – Unity, Diversity and Solidarity
As organisations and individuals, we have come together to challenge the growth of the far-right, who in recent months have begun to organise in our communities and on our streets across Ireland, North and South.
We commit to building a movement for a society based on the principles of real social solidarity and economic justice and recognise that the unity of working people, the marginalised and oppressed, regardless of colour, creed, gender, cultural background or sexual orientation is the key to achieving a better future for all.
We recognise that a new wave of far-right politics, emboldened by the toxic rhetoric of Trump in the US, Bolsonaro in Brazil, Orban in Hungary, Duterte in the Philippines, is a dangerous threat that, if unchallenged, will divide and weaken working people and all who believe in social justice, equality and freedom.
We pledge to resist the far-right and stand in solidarity with those they seek to target, such as immigrants, refugees, Travellers, women, the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, religious minorities and other vulnerable and marginalised groups. We abhor all forms of discrimination and understand that division will weaken us all. We will make all efforts to include marginalised groups in our movement, and amplify their voices.
We recognise that the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic and social hardship it has imposed, is being exploited by far-right groups who pose as anti-establishment champions in order to gain a foothold and promote dangerous Covid-19 myths and anti-science theories.
We understand that in the midst of the current crisis, many have just cause in not trusting the political establishment and large corporations, and therefore some can be attracted to far-right events while being unaware of their sinister agenda. We take seriously the need to educate people about the far-right and debunk their misinformation.
We understand the failure of the government to address economic inequality and crises in housing, healthcare and social provision creates the conditions in which the far-right can grow. Therefore to successfully oppose their dangerous agenda we must promote a progressive economic and social agenda.
We urge those who have a justified distrust of the establishment not to buy into the false claims of the far-right about Covid-19 or their wider toxic agenda. Covid-19 is a real threat to public health and particularly to our older and more vulnerable people.
We appeal to everyone to show solidarity with the vulnerable and frontline workers by working together to fight the pandemic. We urge all those, regardless of their opinions on the government’s handling of Covid-19, to reject the far-right and avoid events involving these groups.
We call on the public to stand in solidarity with the groups targeted by the far-right to fight together for a fairer and more equal society and to reject the politics of hate and division.
We recognise as a priority that the far-right must not be allowed to gain a monopoly on street mobilisation and commit to prevent this from happening, while at the same time ensuring our actions do not endanger public health.

Le Chéile in the Media
Here's Jamie Murphy of Sligo Traveller Support Group being interviewed on Ocean FM Ireland.

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Or follow us on Social Media and give us a DM!